Get to know me

Sohail Nath boy eats world2

Food lover, travel enthusiast & much more

Someone once rightly said “a recipe has no soul, you must bring soul to the recipe”, so here I am, trying to bring my passion for food into easy to make recipes from around the world. My name is Sohail Nath, the boy in @boy.eatsworld and I welcome you all to what I like to call my happy place. Started as a passion project, @boy.eatsworld is now much more than just a food and travel blog for me, it is my stressbuster after a hard day at work, a nest for my creativity and my journey of exploring flavors and towns around the world. I’d give due credit to my parents for introducing me to a lifestyle with endless love for food and travel at such a young age. For as long as I remember, I grew up experiencing different cultures and exploring food and places from a local point of view. Adding on to this love, my college experience at Penn State along with 4 months of studying abroad in Europe further increased my appetite to travel and experiment more. This unquenched thirst for palatable food charged my passion to make food and share my journey of understanding different ingredients and flavors with you all through boy.eatsworld.


Sohail Nath


Brand Story

A story which isn’t one for the books but is still sweet, special and a little funny. Being a foodie and living abroad with limited time on hands, eating out across different places or ordering in had become a habit. This habit worsened when I moved back, with zomato being the ultimate connect, craving any cuisine and being able to have it for a meal was just clicks away.  


It all changed when covid played a spoilsport and with the onset of lockdowns in 2020, all restaurants were shut. To satisfy food cravings that were still persistent, I started experimenting in the kitchen. One fine day in April I was really craving Bao’s and I signed up for a virtual Bao making class. Since then, there has been no looking back as it fired my passion to make, to eat and to feed my family food from around the world including but not limited to Italian, Chinese, Lebanese, and freshly baked Breads of all kinds. I started posting on my personal blog on Instagram about my journey of exploring these different ingredients and flavors. It was after the positive response, I started having fun with blogging and  the profile was made public, giving birth to the baby brand @boy.eatsworld. 


bew about us 1
bew about us 2

Gaining more confidence with experimenting in the kitchen, with my mother as a support who helped polish my basics, and my sister and father started behaving like they could write the Rude Food Column for a magazine. Taking their critique with a pinch of salt I got the hang of cooking and started curating my own version of recipes. As a self-taught chef, I realised people need to know making food is not rocket science, rather it’s an art. It’s about bringing simple basic ingredients together to make a nice homely almost authentic recipe and understanding different cultures through tasting them. Therefore, with love and support from my family and friends and collaboration with this very cool Graphic Designer, @boy.eatsworld was officially launched in November, 2020 to bring food and travel together in a happy corner. It is much more than just a blog for me as it brings together and reflects my passion for cooking, travelling and photography, and I hope it inspires you to experiment in your own kitchen and go on travel adventures like locals. Though the story of it all coming together is a short and funny one, the vision of the brand is anything but short. 



Agreeing with Gusteau on “Anyone can cook, but only the fearless can be great”, boy.eatsworld has a bifold vision to inspire people to cook with fresher ingredients and lesser preservatives and also be fearless when experimenting in the kitchen, it is food after all and not physics. With bringing food and travel together, the blog strives to be a soothing corner for your soul promoting wellness, adventure, easy to make recipes, food photography, aesthete and travel inspirations. A journey that has just started but aims on bringing together different recipes from cuisines around the world and building a one-stop platform for all your cooking and travel hacks and tips along with recommendations for the best restaurants, cocktails and places around the world.




More often than not, we tend to forget about tomorrow whilst living in the present. It is only human when you’re juggling so many things that you sometimes forget about the environment. Hence, it is the thoughts and habits behind small processes that go a long way in living a sustainable lifestyle. Growing up following sustainable habits, I continue to promote sustainability in all aspects of my lifestyle. Now whether it be no wastage of food in the process of making it or utilizing minimal utensils or having digital rather than hard copies when i am travelling, I try to be sustainable on a daily basis. I hope to inspire people to do the same and integrate sustainability in their kitchen and travel adventures.


