10 minutes and 5 ingredients are all what you need to make these amazing Salted French Toasts at home. This recipe makes for a perfect after or during work snack, as it is easy to eat and make. If you want to go two steps further, this recipe was made using a Homemade Multigrain Bread Loaf. I'll add the link for the bread recipe, as soon as it's out. Let's get started with it!
- Frying Pan
- 1 Slice of Bread
- 1 Egg
- 1/2 Onion Finely Chopped (Small Sized)
- 1/2 Green Chili Chopped (optional)
- Salt & Pepper to taste
- Red Chilli Powder to taste
- Oil for greasing the pan
- In a bowl, crack your eggs and beat them using a fork or a whisk
- Add onions to the bowl and mix well. Season the egg mixture with salt, pepper and red chili powder according to your taste pallet.
- Transfer the mixture to a plate. At this point, put your Frying Pan on Medium Flame and brush it with Oil.
- Take your slice of bread and properly dip it in the egg, 10 seconds each on both sides and then transfer it to the frying pan. If you have any remaining egg mixture, pour it on to the bread on the frying pan itself.
- Flip the bread once the first side is done and cook till the entire toast is ready. Eat fresh and serve with Ketchup, Chili Sauce or Mint & Coriander Chutney.
Closing Note
A simple yet different snack recipe. You can try mulling things over with different kind of seasonings and see what works best for you.
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