These are Shortbread Cookies!! These can be made with only 4 ingredients, 3 of which are basic - butter, sugar and flour. The fourth one is Vanilla Extract. It doesn't require too long, it's a lot of fun to make this recipe and this cookie can be stored and used for days to come (approx 2 weeks). I prefer to use these cookies with my daily Coffee. You can have it with Chai too. I love these because they aren't too sweet and very subtle just like typical Scottish Shortbread Cookies.You are basically eating super-fresh biscuits. Not too sweet, but just the right kind. So let's get to it. These are COVID-friendly Shortbread Cookies and here's how you can make these at home.
- oven
- Whisk
- Baking Tray
- 1 cup Butter
- 2 cup All Purpose Flour
- 1 tsp Vanilla Extract
- ½ cup Castor Sugar
- Begin by taking a bowl and adding butter (either soft or melted) and castor sugar.
- Start whisking it (you can use an electric mixer as well) until the sugar gets properly amalgamated in butter.
- Add vanilla extract and mix well.
- Next, add the flour and mix well. You will seeing the flour turning into granules. It's completely fine. Using your hands and with the heat of your palms to start binding everything together so it forms a soft almost crumbly dough.
- Cling wrap this dough and refrigerate for 15 to 30 minutes.
- The dough still crumbly and soft, needs to become flat. So on a surface, start pressing your dough with your palms and start flattening it. Don't use a rolling pin, as the dough will start sticking to the pin.
- Preheat your Oven to 170 degrees at this point. The desired thickness of the dough would come out to be a 1/4 inch thick. Use a cookie cutter of your preferred size. I used assorted sizes and then start cutting them into rounds.
- Put the cookies into the baking tray. No need to oil the tray or use butter paper. Cook them in the Oven for 10-12 minutes or until done. They won't take too long.
- When done, cool your cookies down on a Wire Rack. It's optional to top it up with some Nutella, if you feel like it.
Closing Note
That's it and you're done! It's really not that hard to make these simple cookies. Share it with your family and friends and don't forget to have fun while making them.
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