I went to Google to learn how to make this easy but somewhat tricky Hollandaise Sauce, what I found there wasn't right. The top few recipes were all about making this beautiful thick sauce in a blender or in a Microwave. Just so disappointing! Kind of disgusted, I dived into my cookbooks to perfect a Hollandaise Sauce, and then I came across Jamie Oliver's recipe of it. So here it goes, this is my take on a Hollandaise Sauce, the bestfriend to your Eggs Benedict! What is a Hollandaise Sauce and How to Use It?It's one of the richest sauce in the world and probably one of the heaviest too, beats béchamel. But, the flavors and the sourness of the sauce, can just do wonders to your dish. Traditionally speaking, the Hollandaise is had with Eggs Benedict, Asparagus, Scrambled Eggs Sandwich and many other dishes as well! You can always fusion it up and have this sauce with Seafood as well as Poultry. I am all about the EGGS HERE!Double Boiler MethodNow if you're new to this, this is how double boiler works. Take a big vessel, it doesn't need to be deep but just wide. Fill it with boiling water and put it on high flame. Next, keep a smaller sauce pan of top of the boiling water bed, which we will use to make the sauce. Please use a pan with-handle for the smaller one, as you would need that grip whilst stirring. Tip & Tricks to make a good Hollandaise Sauce1. Use both pans with handle attachment. The smaller pan should definitely have a handle, as you will need when trying to stir. 2. Once the water is boiled, lower the heat, else your yolks will actually start cooking and become scrambled. 3. When you are adding the butter, keep stirring constantly. Your hands will hurt, but if you stop for sometime, your eggs and butter will make this squirmy scramble like mixture. How to Store a Hollandaise Sauce (for 2-4 hours)?This is going to sound absurd, but the best way to store a Hollandaise is in one of those thermos hot & cold insulated bottles. Your sauce will stay heated until you make your Sandwiches or Benedicts. Simply pour the sauce directly from the bottle upon each use. Getting onto the Recipe Now:
- 2 Pans with Handles of Different Sizes
- Whisk
- 125 g Unsalted Butter (melted) sorry there's no way around it..
- 2 large or 3 Medium egg yolks
- ½ tsp White Wine Vinegar
- 1 tbsp Lemon Juice
- Salt to taste
- Cayenne Pepper or Red Chili Powder to taste
- Black Pepper to taste
- Start by taking a saucepan over Medium Heat, and half fill the pan with water. Once the water begins to simmer, keep a stable pan (or a bowl but with a handle) on it. Reduce the heat to low at this point but water should be simmering.
- Add egg yolks to the smaller pan, and start whisking using a whisk. Remember the heat should be very low, else eggs will scramble. Add the vinegar at this point and stir.
- Start adding butter to the eggs, stirring CONSTANTLY. Keep stirring until all the butter is added, and a thick sauce is being formed.
- The result should be a lovely, smooth and thick sauce. Take it off the heat and season generously but carefully with Salt, Black Pepper, and Cayenne Pepper ( or Red Chili Powder). Keep tasting at this point!
- Finish with lemon juice and store in an Insulated Thermos!
Closing Note
You didn't believe me earlier na when I said rich? Yes yolk and butter, rich but you should treat yourselves once in a while especially for God Damn Sunday Brunches!!
Let me know your Hollandaise experience in the comments below and share with me your eggcelent variant on Instagram @boy.eatsworld
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